Never Pay Full Price

In a world where everything is a little too big. Where nothing seems personal or original anymore, Upstein's stands for a time where quality, pride and value come first. We have always marched to the tune of our own drummer. We never lined up to do it like everybody else. When the rules didn't make sense, we made up new ones.

We believe what makes a company great is what you don't do with it. We don't think short term. Our 60 years of retail has allowed us to bring to our valued customers a unique and memorable shopping experience. Our low price policy ensures you can shop our quality and style without compromising value. It's what we have always believed - it's what we've always done.

We believe that it isn't always what you do. We've stayed the course and found that sometimes it's about what you don't do. So, bring a friend, bring your family - we would be delighted to assist you!

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